Pagina de discipulos y bienquerientes de Su Santidad Guru Prasad Swami, creada por la Congregacion de ISKCON Panama
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008
Lecture - Guruprasada Swami - SB 7.15.22 - Transcending the Base Desires
Lecture by Guruprasada Swami on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 7, Chapter 15, Text 22 on "Transcending the Base Desires."
asankalpaj jayet kamam
krodham kama-vivarjanat
arthanarthekshaya lobham
bhayam tattvavamarsanat
By making plans with determination, one should give up lusty desires for sense gratification. Similarly, by giving up envy one should conquer anger, by discussing the disadvantages of accumulating wealth one should give up greed, and by discussing the truth one should give up fear.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has suggested how one can conquer lusty desires for sense gratification. One cannot give up thinking of women, for thinking in this way is natural; even while walking on the street, one will see so many women. However, if one is determined not to live with a woman, even while seeing a woman he will not become lusty. If one is determined not to have sex, he can automatically conquer lusty desires. The example given in this regard is that even if one is hungry, if on a particular day he is determined to observe fasting, he can naturally conquer the disturbances of hunger and thirst. If one is determined not to be envious of anyone, he can naturally conquer anger. Similarly, one can give up the desire to accumulate wealth simply by considering how difficult it is to protect the money in one's possession. If one keeps a large amount of cash with him, he is always anxious about keeping it properly. Thus if one discusses the disadvantages of accumulating wealth, he can naturally give up business without difficulty.
Dallas, TX
Clase Srila Gurudeva en Hong Kong
Sunday Feast Lecture: Simple Living, High Thinking.
Given By: His Holiness Guru Prasad Swami. Translated by: His Grace Krishna Bhringa das
Date: 14/1/2007 (Duration:01:03:23, Size: Est.14.5MB)
De click AQUI para escucharla
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008
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- Lecture - Guruprasada Swami - SB 7.15.22 - Transce...
- Clase Srila Gurudeva en Hong Kong
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